Monday, January 7, 2013


One of the things I wanted to talk about, being a new year and all, was -- of course -- my list of new year's resolutions. While quite a bit of these are for health, some are for intellectual and emotional growth and well-being. Some of these come from (un)resoltions from years past but this seems like the year for true commitment. I mean, I just got engaged. Gotta show I'm good for it, yeah?

  1. I will reduce my bodyfat to 10% or less by June.
  2. By June I will be able to perform 100 push-ups in succession without rest (The REAL Century Push)
  3. By June I will be able to run 3 Miles straight without rest, averaging 9 min/mi.
  4. I will be able to bench press 250+ lbs by this summer
  5. I will register and start preparing for a Tough Mudder competition.
  6. I will watch the Lord of the Rings Trilogy: Extended edition at least once every year
  7. I will read "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings" once every year
  8. I will see at least one live stage production every month.
  9. I will get back in touch with my sister who I haven't spoken to in over three years.
  10. I will become a better brother, son, uncle, cousin, and nephew to my all of my relatives.
So yeah, half of that is health related. Pretty typical but since I was mostly successful last year, and I have better resolve now...I'm pretty confident I can do all of the above.

Well, lunch break is almost over. Time to get back to rehearsals with my students...

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